HIRA Strategic Plan

Vision Statement

We are dedicated to guiding individuals on a journey of personal and academic excellence through God Consciousness (Taqwa), Prophetic Character (Akhlaaq and Aadaab), Passion for Knowledge (Ilm), Leadership Development (Imaraah), and Service to the Community (Khidmah).

Mission Statement

Our mission is to instill God Consciousness and Prophetic Character through having the students memorize and recite the Qur’an, teaching the meaning of the verses of the Qur’an, teaching about the wisdom of the religion of Islam, and teaching spirituality.

Table of Contents

Character Education Program

The purpose of the Character Education Program at HIRA Institute is to help develop graduates with the following character traits:

  • God Consciousness (Taqwa)
  • Prophetic Character (Akhlaaq and Aadaab)
  • Passion to Continuously Seek Knowledge (Ilm)
  • Leadership Skills (Imaarah)
  • Desire to Serve the Community (Khidmah)

Measurable Objective 1

By May 2028, 90% of students will have strong God Consciousness (Taqwa) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys and parent surveys.

Measurable Objective 2

By May 2028, 90% of students will demonstrate Prophetic Character (Akhlaaq and Adab) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys and parent surveys.

Measurable Objective 3

By May 2028, 90% of students will have a passion to continuously seek knowledge (Ilm) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys and parent surveys.

Measurable Objective 4

By May 2028, 90% of students will develop leadership skills (Imaarah) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys and parent surveys.

Measurable Objective 5

By May 2028, 90% of students will have a desire to serve the community (Khidmah) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys and parent surveys.

2023-2024 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Monthly Itikafs 6/2023 7/2024 $200 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Wasif Iqbal, Sr. Fairouza Bengoua Surveys
ILM Intensives Every Two Months 6/2023 7/2024 $1200 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Wasif Iqbal, Sr. Fairouza Bengoua Surveys

2024-2025 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Jamaat and Taleem Every Two Months 6/2024 7/2025 $500 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Asif Iqbal, Imam Wasif Iqbal Surveys

Measurable Objective 2

By May 2028, 90% of students will demonstrate Prophetic Character (Akhlaaq and Adab) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys and parent surveys.

Strategy 1

Develop surveys for students, parents, and teachers of lists of qualities that reflect prophetic character that will be administered at the beginning and end of the school year.

Strategy 2

Develop a positive system of rewards and punishments using the concept of HIRA Bucks to motivate students to practice positive behavior. This includes recognizing students for exemplary behavior.

Strategy 3

Have a yearly workshop with parents explaining the positive system of rewards and punishments. Ask the parents to implement and track these same behaviors at home.

Strategy 4

Create a way of allowing the students to learn and love the Prophet SAW. Stories about the Prophet can be included in Islamic Studies, in an Islamicized Social Studies/History class, and in the monthly Ilm Intensives.

Strategy 5

Create a school wide Wird (Chart of Good Deeds). The school wide Chart of Good Deeds is to reward students for certain good deeds that build good character. This will include various supplications students could say throughout the day, reading Qur’an, and writing a daily self reflection. As the year progresses, they would add more items to the chart.

2023-2024 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Develop student, parent, and teacher surveys 6/2023 7/2024 $500 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Wasif Iqbal, Sr. Hala Buazza Surveys

2024-2025 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Positive system of rewards and punishments 6/2024 7/2025 $500 Operations Teachers Surveys
School wide chart of good deeds 6/2024 7/2025 $500 Operations Sr. Hala Buazza, Teachers Surveys

2025-2026 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Yearly parent workshop about character development 6/2025 7/2026 $500 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Wasif Iqbal Surveys
ILM Intensive about the Prophet SAW 6/2025 7/2026 $500 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Wasif Iqbal, Sr. Fairouza Bengoua Surveys

2026-2027 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Create curriculum maps to teach about the stories of the Prophet SAW in Islamic Studies in elementary 6/2026 7/2027 $500 Operations Imam Muhammad Islamic Studies Curriculum Maps
Create curriculum maps to teach the sirah of the Prophet SAW in Middle School Social Studies 6/2026 7/2027 $500 Operations Imam Muhammad Middle School Social Studies Curriculum Maps

Measurable Objective 4

By May 2028, 90% of students will develop leadership skills (Imaarah) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys and parent surveys.

Strategy 1

Create a student work study program for High School students. Students can work in the various departments to build organizational leadership skills.

Strategy 2

Provide training for teachers to implement more collaborative projects and presentations for the students. Collaborative projects will allow students to build their leadership skills. Presentations will allow students to improve their speaking skills such as voice, eye contact, and body language.

Strategy 3

Create a student council where students have specific roles to help the administration and they can have a say in new policies and projects. The departments students could help include Marketing/Donor Care, Programs, HIRA Store, eHIRA, Technology, Character Development and Compassion work. Student council members will share the developments of each department with the rest of the student body.

Strategy 4

Create more opportunities for students to lead assembly, give presentations during Itikaf, Taleem and Jamaat events, lead Tarawih, and lead a weekly class about Islam for the community to build speaking skills as well as self-confidence.

2023-2024 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Student work study program 6/2023 7/2024 $0 Operations Sr. Fairouza Bengoua Student work study hours

2024-2025 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Teacher training to develop leadership skills in students 6/2024 7/2025 $500 Operations Sr. Norma Nangju Leadership professional development program

2025-2026 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Student council 6/2025 7/2026 $500 Operations Directors Agenda meetings, supervisor evaluations of students

2026-2027 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Develop community speaking opportunities 6/2026 7/2027 $500 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal Event details

Measurable Objective 5

By May 2028, 90% of students will have a desire to serve the community (Kidmah) as measured by student self-assessments, teacher surveys, and parent surveys.

Strategy 1: Career Guidance

Provide career guidance for students by finding Muslim professionals to help guide students, create opportunities for students to volunteer in the profession, and to guide students how to serve the community through their profession.

Strategy 2: HIRA Compassion

Establish HIRA Compassion and give students a role to plan and implement community service projects.

2024-2025 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Career guidance 6/2024 7/2025 $0 Operations Sr. Norma Nangju Volunteer/internship hours

2025-2026 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
HIRA Compassion 6/2025 7/2026 $100,000 Grant from Muhammad Ali Center Br. Ameer Maya, Dr. Amani Kettaneh HIRA Compassion projects and student hours

Alimiyyah Program

The Alimiyyah Program is a six-year program equivalent to a Bachelors and Masters in Islamic Studies. Students at HIRA in High School are able to enroll in the rigorous, college-level program. The goal for the Alimiyyah Program is to design and teach a curriculum that will meet and excel students in three major areas; Quranic Studies, Islamic Studies, and Traditional Arabic.

Measurable Objectives:

Measurable Objective 1: By May 2028, HIRA will design 90% of standards/objectives for courses taught in the Alimiyyah Program.

Measurable Objective 2: By May 2028, HIRA will provide 90% of resources required to implement the Alimiyyah Program.

Measurable Objective 3: By May 2028, 80% of students can recite the Quran with fluency and give presentations about Islam.

Measurable Objective 1: By May 2028, HIRA will design 90% of standards/objectives for courses taught in the Alimiyyah Program.


  1. Standards and objectives for each year will be designed and broken down into course standards and objectives.
  2. A curriculum map for each course will be designed.
  3. Resources for each course will be selected.
  4. Common assessments will be designed so that the girls' and boys' Alimiyyah Programs will be horizontally aligned.
  5. Common assessments will be designed so that students in each year can be evaluated on how well they are prepared for the next year of courses.


2023-2024 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Develop standards and objectives for all six years of the Alimiyyah Program 6/2023 7/2023 $0 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Asif Iqbal, Imam Wasif Iqbal Alimiyyah Program of Studies
Create Curriculum Maps and select resources for all courses in Year 1 6/2023 7/2023 $20,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Shaikh Ahad Yousuf Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2023
Create Unit and End of the Year Assessments for all courses in Year 1 8/2023 5/2024 $20,000 Operations Ustadha Afifa Sadiq Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2023

2024-2025 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Create Curriculum Maps and select resources for all courses in Year 2 6/2024 7/2024 $20,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Imam Muhammad Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2024
Create Unit and End of the Year Assessments for all courses in Year 2 8/2024 5/2025 $20,000 Operations Ustadha Afifa Sadiq Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2024

2025-2026 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Create Curriculum Maps and select resources for all courses in Year 3 6/2025 7/2025 $20,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Shaikh Ahad Yousuf Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2025
Create Unit and End of the Year Assessments for all courses in Year 3 8/2025 5/2026 $20,000 Operations Ustadha Afifa Sadiq Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2025

2026-2027 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Create Curriculum Maps and select resources for all courses in Year 4 6/2026 7/2026 $20,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Shaikh Ahad Yousuf Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2026
Create Unit and End of the Year Assessments for all courses in Year 4 8/2026 5/2027 $20,000 Operations Ustadha Afifa Sadiq Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2026

2027-2028 Activities

Activity Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
Create Curriculum Maps and select resources for all courses in Year 5 6/2027 7/2027 $20,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Shaikh Ahad Yousuf Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2027
Create Unit and End of the Year Assessments for all courses in Year 5 8/2027 5/2028 $20,000 Operations Ustadha Afifa Sadiq Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2027

Measurable Objective 2: By May 2028, HIRA will provide 90% of resources required to implement the Alimiyyah Program.

Strategy 1: Qualified professors will be recruited and trained for all courses taught in the Alimiyyah Program.

Strategy 2: Books for Islamic Studies and Arabic will be purchased for the library.

Strategy 3: Technology resources will be provided to support the courses.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2023 7/2023 $45,000 Operations Imam Asif Iqbal Meet the Team 2023
8/2023 5/2024 $1,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal Library Book List
8/2023 9/2023 $4,998.27 Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Alamiyyah Invoice 2023

2024-2025 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2024 7/2024 $45,000 Operations Imam Asif Iqbal Meet the Team 2024
8/2024 5/2025 $1,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal Library Book List
8/2024 9/2024 $5,000 Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Invoice

2025-2026 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2025 7/2025 $45,000 Operations Imam Asif Iqbal Meet the Team 2025
8/2025 5/2026 $1,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal Library Book List
8/2025 9/2025 $5,000 Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Invoice

2026-2027 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2026 7/2026 $45,000 Operations Imam Asif Iqbal Meet the Team 2026
8/2026 5/2027 $1,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal Library Book List
8/2026 9/2026 $5,000 Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Invoice

2027-2028 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2027 7/2027 $45,000 Operations Imam Asif Iqbal Meet the Team 2027
8/2027 5/2028 $1,000 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal Library Book List
8/2027 9/2027 $5,000 Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Invoice

Measurable Objective 3:

By May 2028, 80% of students will give presentations about Islam.

Strategy 1: HIRA will assign and give opportunities to students to lead five daily prayers, Salatul Taraweeh and Qiyamul Layl to practice and perfect their recitation.

Strategy 2: Students will be assigned and given opportunities to lead Jumua salah to practice their presentation skills and prepare relevant topics to present.

Strategy 3: Students will present during morning assembly and monthly Itikafs to become comfortable giving Halaqahs and presentations.

2023-2029 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 5/2023 $0 Operations Imam Atif Daily Prayer Schedule, Monthly Itikaf, Salatul Taraweeh Schedule
8/2023 5/2023 $0 Imam Ismail Jummah Prayer Schedule
8/2023 5/2023 $0 Imam Atif, Sr. Norma Nangju Morning Assembly Schedule, Monthly Itikaf

Tahfeedh Program

The Tahfeedh Program is offered for 3rd to 12th Grade students. Students memorize the Qur’an for four hours daily for forty-four weeks in a year. Student progress in Sabaq (new verses), Sabqi (verses in the current Juz) and Manzil (previous Juz) are recorded daily.

Measurable Objective 1:

By May 2028, 80% of qualified tahfeedh teachers needed will be recruited and trained.

Measurable Objective 2:

  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 1 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 2 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 2 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 5 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 3 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 10 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 4 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 20 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 5 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 30 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 6 Tahfeedh students will review the entire Qur’an in order to be able to lead Tarawih.

Measurable Objective 3:

By May 2028, 90% of the standards and objectives for Islamic Studies will be designed and sequenced.

Measurable Objective 1:

By May 2028, 80% of qualified tahfeedh teachers needed will be recruited and trained.

Strategy 1: In person tahfeedh teachers for the boys and girls will be hired.

Strategy 2: Professional development is provided to teachers on how to teach tajweed and tahfeedh for students through weekly meetings and yearly workshops.

2023-2029 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 5/2029 $0 Operations Imam Wasif Iqbal, Hafiza Fouzia Shaikh Meet the Team 2023
8/2023 5/2029 $0 Operations Imam Wasif Iqbal, Hafiza Fouzia Shaikh Professional Development Plan

Measurable Objective 2:

  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 1 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 2 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 2 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 5 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 3 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 10 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 4 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 20 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 5 Tahfeedh students will memorize at least 30 Juz.
  • By May 2028, 80% of Year 6 Tahfeedh students will review the entire Qur’an in order to be able to lead Tarawih.

Strategy 1: Consistent communication with parents is critical for the success of students in the Tahfeedh Program. Parents will receive daily and monthly updates about their child’s progress in the Tahfeedh Program. Teachers will meet parents every semester to give an update about their child’s progress in the Tahfeedh Program.

Strategy 2: Positive reinforcement and rewards will be given to the students in the form of HIRA Bucks which can be used to purchase school lunches, books and clothing sold in the HIRA Store and towards field trips activity fees.

Strategy 3: After school support will be given to students after school Monday to Thursday who need help in Tahfeedh.

2023-2029 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 5/2029 $0 Operations Imam Wasif Iqbal, Hafiza Fouzia Shaikh Progress Report Cards, Monthly Updates, Parent Teacher Conferences
8/2023 5/2029 $0 Operations Imam Wasif Iqbal, Hafiza Fouzia Shaikh HIRA Bucks, Jupiter Portal
8/2023 5/2029 $0 Operations Imam Ishaq Patel, Ustadha Aysha Iqbal After School Roster

Measurable Objective 3:

By May 2028, 90% of the standards and objectives for Islamic Studies will be designed and sequenced.

Strategy 1: Standards and objectives for Islamic Studies will be designed and sequenced for Islamic Studies. The Islamic Studies Program is for Tahfeedh students 3rd to 12th Grade students. It is thirty minutes daily.

2024-2025 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2024 7/2025 $0 Operations Imam Atif Iqbal, Ustadha Afifa Sadiq, Sr. Hala Buazza, Imam Muhammad Alimiyyah Program of Studies

Academic Program

The Academic Program for Tahfeedh students consists of three hours daily of Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Electives. High School students fulfill graduation requirements and have access to college level courses such as Dual Credit, Advanced Placement and the International Foundation Diploma courses. ACT practice and college counseling are provided for juniors and seniors to help apply to college and receive scholarships.
For Alimiyyah High School Students, they fulfill their English and History requirements through the Alamiyyah courses. In addition, they have one hour of Math and Science during the day. They have electives after school.

Measurable Objective 1:

By May 2028, HIRA will create 90% of curriculum maps for all courses taught in the Academic Programs.

Measurable Objective 2:

By May 2028, 90% of resources needed for Language Arts, Math, and Science will be purchased.

Measurable Objective 3:

By May 2028, 80% of students will perform on or above level in Reading, Language, Science, and Math in the MAP Assessment; 80% of students will score As and Bs in all subjects.

Strategy 1: A curriculum map for each course will be designed.

Strategy 2: Common assessments will be designed so that courses for the girls and boys will be horizontally aligned.

Strategy 3: Common assessments will be designed so that students in each year can be evaluated on how well they are prepared for the next year of courses.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2023 7/2024 $0 Operations Teachers Curriculum Map and Syllabus 2023

2024-2025 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2024 7/2025 Operations Teachers Curriculum Map and Syllabus

2025-2026 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2025 7/2026 Operations Teachers Curriculum Map and Syllabus

2025-2026 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
6/2025 7/2026 Operations Teachers Curriculum Map and Syllabus

Measurable Objective 2:

By May 2028, 90% of resources needed for Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies will be purchased or provided.

Strategy 1: Vocabulary workbooks from Sadlier will be distributed to all students. Students will complete activity pages from workbooks to develop their vocabulary skills and increase their comprehension in language arts reading lessons.

Strategy 2: Grammar workbooks from Glencoe will be distributed to all students. Students will complete activity pages from workbooks to develop their grammar and writing skills.

Strategy 3: Teachers will provide tutoring after school and in the summer to students who are struggling in any subject. Student grades are monitored monthly. Students are scheduled for after school tutoring if their grade is a D or below.

Strategy 4: In the Fall, teachers will provide after school ACT Prep to prepare students for taking the ACT.

Strategy 5: In the winter, HIRA will organize a career fair where students can learn about different careers from Muslim and non-Muslim professionals.

Strategy 6: Teachers will collaborate to organize educational field trips to enrich student experiences.

Strategy 7: Science kits and equipment will be purchased to facilitate science inquiry activities and experiments. Kits will be purchased for Elementary, Middle School, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.

Strategy 8: Science workbooks will be distributed to students to help them gain a better understanding of science lessons and activities.

Strategy 9: Teachers will organize science fair projects in class to encourage student performance and participation in science.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 5/2024 $1055 Title I Sr. Rabija Efendira, Principal Title Vocabulary Invoice
8/2023 5/2024 $500 Operations Imam Ismail Patel Grammar Invoice
8/2023 7/2024 $18,000 Title I Teachers After School Tutoring Schedule, Summer Tutoring Schedule

2024-2025 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2024 $40,000 Title I Teachers After School Tutoring Schedule, Summer Tutoring Schedule
8/2024 5/2025 Sr. Dhahira Faqih ACT Tutoring Schedule and Roster
8/2024 5/2025 Sr. Fairouza Bengoua, Sr. Kim Mohamed Career Fair Flyer, Career Fair Community Member Guests
8/2024 5/2025 Teachers Class Participation and ACT Scores

2025-2026 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2025 5/2026 Imam Ismail Patel, Dr. Salam Alfar Science Materials and Equipment Inventory
8/2025 3/2026 Science Teachers Science Fair Projects
8/2025 5/2026 Science and Social Teachers Field Trip Schedule

Measurable Objective 3:

By May 2028, 80% of students will perform on or above level in Reading, Language, Science and Math in the MAP Assessment; 80% of students will score As and Bs in all subjects.

Strategy 1: First-year teachers will receive orientation, mentoring, and professional development in the areas of lesson planning, classroom management, mental health, digital citizenship, game-based learning, and culturally responsive teaching.

Strategy 2: Second-year teachers will participate in a book study reading "Learning by Doing" (DuFour et al., 2006) to provide a basic understanding of professional learning communities.

Strategy 3: Monthly meeting times will be scheduled for all departments.

Strategy 4: Teachers will receive professional development with Solution Tree about PLCs at Work. Teachers will gain an understanding of professional learning communities, including the three big ideas of a PLC—focus on student learning, focus on collaboration, and focus on results. Teachers will understand the benefits of PLCs and how to implement them in a school or district, develop and maintain a healthy collaborative culture, and address the four critical questions every PLC must consider.

Strategy 5: Teachers will receive professional development on how to implement Positive Action in the school. Positive Action is a social-emotional learning program for grades K to 12th. Positive Action has been found to improve academic achievement, lower absenteeism, and reduce behavior issues.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 5/2024 Operations Sr. Rukaya Hassan Year 1 Professional Development
8/2023 5/2024 Operations Sr. Norma Nangju, Teachers Year 2 Professional Development
8/2023 5/2024 Operations Sr. Norma Nangju, Teachers Meeting Schedule 2023

2024-2025 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2024 7/2025 $6500 Title 1 Sr. Rabija Efendira, Teachers PLC Proposal
8/2024 5/2025 $5000 Title 1 Sr. Rabija Efendira, Teachers Positive Action Proposal

Renovation of the New Campus

HIRA Institute purchased a 35,000 square foot building at 3819 Bardstown Road. The building was built in the 1970s as a public school. However, it was used as an antique mall for 20 years and later abandoned. After purchasing the building, HIRA has endeavored to renovate and obtain the permit to use the building once more as a school.

Measurable Objective 1:

By May 2025, HIRA will complete 90 percent of the renovation to the building.

Measurable Objective 2:

By May 2025, HIRA will obtain the permit to operate the building as a school.

Measurable Objective 1:

By August 2024, HIRA will complete 90 percent of the renovation to the building.

Strategy 1: The additional emergency exit staircase will be completed.

Strategy 2: The restrooms will be restructured to comply with school building codes.

Strategy 3: The elevator will be replaced.

Strategy 4: Speakers will be installed in every classroom and corridor to facilitate communication and maintain safety.

Strategy 5: All classrooms will have projectors, Wi-Fi, and wired internet connections to help teachers provide effective instruction.

Strategy 6: The entire school will be equipped with a security system and have interior and exterior cameras to continuously monitor the safety of all students and staff.

Strategy 7: Each egress of the building will be equipped with digital locks, only providing access to staff and students with their unique access code, which can be remotely enabled and disabled.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2024 $10,000 Operations Mufti Atif Iqbal Invoice
8/2023 7/2024 $35,000 Operations Mufti Atif Iqbal Invoice
8/2023 7/2024 $80,000 Operations Mufti Atif Iqbal Invoice
8/2023 7/2024 $15,000 Operations Br. Humzaa Omar, Moulana Irfan Sadiq Invoice
8/2023 7/2024 $25,000 Shared Operations Br. Humzaa Omar, Mufti Atif Iqbal Invoice
8/2023 7/2024 $25,000 Shared Operations Br. Humzaa Omar, Mufti Atif Iqbal Invoice
8/2023 7/2024 $25,000 Operations Mufti Atif Iqbal Invoice

Measurable Objective 2:

By August 2024, HIRA will obtain the permit to operate the building as a school.

Strategy 1: HIRA will obtain the permit from the city to operate the building as a community or religious center.

Strategy 2: HIRA will obtain the permit from the state to operate the building as a school.

2024-2025 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2024 7/2025 $10,000 Operations Mufti Atif Iqbal Architect Invoice
8/2024 5/2025 $5,000 Operations Mufti Atif Iqbal Invoice

Sustainable Development

HIRA Institute aims to develop multiple streams of income to ensure the sustainability of school operations. The projected expenses for the school in 2023/2024 are $715,101, while the projected income from tuition is $154,952, resulting in a projected deficit of $560,148. HIRA is proposing to launch various businesses and programs to support the school operations:

  • International Foundation Diploma and college classes through eHIRA
  • Online and in-person store for books and clothing
  • Food sales
  • After school and weekend programs
  • Business outreach
  • Donor outreach
  • Waqar Scholarship Program

Measurable Objective 1:

By May 2028, HIRA will raise $25,000 through online high school courses (International Foundation Diploma) and college courses.

Measurable Objective 2:

By May 2028, HIRA will raise $25,000 through an online and in-person store selling clothing, books, and other Islamic items.

Measurable Objective 3:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 from food sales such as daily lunch sales, Jumuah bake sales, and snack sales.

Measurable Objective 4:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 in profit from after-school and weekend programs.

Measurable Objective 5:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 through online campaigns.

Measurable Objective 6:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 through outreach with Muslim businesses.

Measurable Objective 7:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 through grassroots fundraising, encouraging our community of parents, peers, and local residents to contribute small donations to support our school’s mission and projects.

Measurable Objective 8:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $375,000 from the Waqar Scholarship Program.

Measurable Objective 1:

By May 2028, HIRA will raise $25,000 through online high school courses (International Foundation Diploma) and college courses.

Strategy 1: Apply for accreditation to offer the International Foundation Diploma and college courses through the University of Central Lancashire, UK.

Strategy 2: Create a web page for eHIRA.

Strategy 3: Create a brochure for the International Foundation Diploma and college courses through the University of Central Lancashire, UK.

Strategy 4: Create Google Classroom and Jupiter registration pages.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
9/2023 10/2024 $3,000 Operations Dr. Salam Alfar Accreditation Letter
9/2023 10/2023 $1,000 Operations Dr. Salam Alfar, Br. Humzaa Omar eHIRA
9/2023 10/2024 $500 Operations Dr. Salam Alfar, Sr. Norma Nangju Brochure
10/2023 7/2024 $500 Operations Dr. Salam Alfar, Br. Humzaa Omar Google Classroom and Jupiter Registration Page

Measurable Objective 2:

By May 2028, HIRA will raise $25,000 through an online and in-person store selling clothing, books, and other Islamic items.

Strategy 1: Select popular, high-quality retail items, such as school-branded apparel and accessories, to ensure the products appeal to a wide audience; consider using pre-order forms to test interest and limit risk.

Strategy 2: Create an online storefront to offer merchandise and books, utilizing social media advertising and promotional strategies to reach a wider, potentially international audience and drive sales.

Strategy 3: Market the store.

Strategy 4: Create an in-person store at the new campus building.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2024 $0 Operations Hafiza Nafisa Iqbal, Imam Atif Iqbal Lunch Schedule, Lunch Typeform
8/2023 9/2023 $550 Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Online Store
8/2023 7/2024 $0 Operations Sr. Rabija Efendira Marketing Strategies
8/2023 7/2024 $1,200 Operations Br. Bilal Khan Store Inventory

Measurable Objective 3:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 from food sales such as daily lunch sales, Jumuah bake sales, and snack sales.

Strategy 1: Offer daily lunch sales of nutritious and appealing meal options.

Strategy 2: Request masjids to have Jumuah bake sales once a month.

Strategy 3: Sell snacks at school.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2024 $1,400 Operations Sr. Bushra Furrukh, Br. Bilal Khan Lunch Schedule, Lunch Typeform
8/2023 7/2024 $500 Operations Sr. Rabija Efendira Masjid Bake Sale Schedule
8/2023 7/2024 $1,000 Operations Sr. Rabija Efendira Snack Flyer

Measurable Objective 4:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 in profit from after-school and weekend programs.

Strategy 1: Organize the after-school tahfeedh program at the HIRA campus.

Strategy 2: Organize after-school sports and enrichment programs such as basketball, volleyball, robotics, and cooking.

Strategy 3: Organize weekend educational and social activities such as ILM intensives, Itikafs, picnics, carnivals, and community trips.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2024 N/A Operations Sr. Fairouza Bengoua Website
8/2023 7/2024 N/A Operations Sr. Fairouza Bengoua Facebook, Instagram
8/2023 7/2024 N/A Operations Sr. Fairouza Bengoua Events Meeting, Official HIRA Calendar 2023/2024

Measurable Objective 5:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 through outreach with Muslim businesses.

Strategy 1: Reach out to Muslim businesses offering them promotional benefits and acknowledgment in return for their contributions.

Strategy 2: Create a business donation typeform to track donations.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2024 N/A Operations N/A Local Business Tracker
9/2023 10/2024 N/A Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Business Donation Typeform

Measurable Objective 6:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $25,000 through grassroots fundraising, encouraging our community of parents, peers, and local residents to contribute small donations to support our school’s mission and projects.

Strategy 1: Reach out to parents through calls and parent meetings to request their help in the peer-to-peer campaign.

Strategy 2: Create a peer-to-peer donation typeform to track parent donations.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2024 N/A Operations Sr. Safiya Mukhtar, Sr. Hala Buazza Peer to Peer Spreadsheet
9/2023 10/2023 N/A Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Peer to Peer Donation Typeform

Measurable Objective 7:

By May 2028, HIRA will earn $375,000 from the Waqar Scholarship Program. The Waqar Scholarship Program is an online platform where donors can see the students who are in need of scholarships. The webpage will provide information about the student, such as their grade, program, number of Juz memorized, hobbies, and aspirations. The webpage will allow donors to sponsor a student for the duration of their education or contribute to a portion of the scholarship. Donors will have opportunities to meet the students during yearly events and will receive updates about the student’s progress at school.

Strategy 1: Collect biographical information about the students and send it regularly to donors.

Strategy 2: Create the webpage.

Strategy 3: Send monthly newsletters and yearly reports to update donors.

Strategy 4: Approach local donors about the Waqar Scholarship Program through events.

Strategy 5: Approach national donors by traveling to various masjids and giving lectures in other cities.

2023-2024 Activities

Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Source of Funding Staff Responsible Performance Indicators
8/2023 7/2028 $0 Operations Sr. Rabija Efendira Bio of Students
8/2023 7/2028 $540/year Operations Br. Humzaa Omar Waqar Scholarship Program
8/2023 7/2028 N/A Operations Mufti Atif Iqbal, Br. Humzaa Omar Zakat Eligibility Forms, Tuition/Financial Aid Spreadsheet
8/2023 7/2028 $0 Operations Sr. Rabija Efendira Newsletters, Annual Report
8/2023 7/2028 $0 Operations Sr. Amani Kattaneh Events, Fundraising Dinner
9/2023 10/2023 N/A Operations Imam Asif Iqbal Fundraising Dinner, Travel Schedule