The Taḥfīẓ Program for beginners introduces students to Qur'ānic recitation through the Qā'idah Nūrāniyyah method. It focuses on teaching the Arabic alphabet, letter joining, reading short words and phrases, and simple Sūrahs from the Qūrʾan. This curriculum is designed for those with little or no prior experience in Arabic or Qur'ānic reading, helping build foundational skills and confidence.
Additionally, students will learn Tajwīd, the meticulous art of preventing errors in the recitation of Allāh's divine words, derived from the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) practice. Mastering Tajwīd enables students to accurately articulate letters and enriches the cadence of their recitation.
The program also covers seven comprehensive topics in Islamic studies, including Aqa'id (Islamic creed), fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), sirah (life and character of the Prophet Mohammed PBUH), tārīkh, ahadith, akhlaq, and adab, providing a well-rounded educational experience.
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